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The Hinge Centre Project

 In February 2024, Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire began regular visits to The Hinge Centre in Bridlington to engage with clients of the Community Food Store.

The Food Store offers clients supermarket food and products at a reduced price, and The Hinge Centre provides a wrap-around approach to supporting the local Bridlington Community. Amongst some of the services offered are support groups, a mens lunch group, advice service, and homelessness support.

The Hinge Centre also runs a Warm Welcome group every Friday morning, 10.00am – 12.00pm, in which everyone is welcome for a hot drink and toasted treat. 

Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire have been talking to people at the Warm Welcome group and the Community Food Store to better understand what difficulties Bridlington residents are facing, particularly from a lower-income household perspective.


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