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Having a baby is a major life event for mums and dads, and it’s natural to experience a range of emotions during and after pregnancy. But if these feelings start to have an impact on day-to-day life, it’s time to talk to someone.

Perinatal mental health issues – those which occur during pregnancy or during the baby’s first year – affect one in five women and could have long-lasting effects on the woman and her family if left untreated.

But many perinatal mental health issues are treatable and recognising the signs early and seeking support quickly improves recovery and outcomes for mums and their babies.

The Every Mum Matters campaign has launched in Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire to support new and expectant mums and their families to be able to recognise symptoms of perinatal mental health problems early and encourage them to seek help quickly. Specialist services and support are available in these areas.

The service launches the Direct Referral System tomorrow on 25th January. The Perinatal Mental Health Service is open to women who are registered with a GP practice in the Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire areas who are in the perinatal period (during pregnancy and up to 12 months post- delivery) and are requiring specialist assessment and interventions for moderate to severe and complex mental health difficulties.

The Direct Referral System will:

  • Allow direct access to the Perinatal Service from professionals involved in a woman’s care.
  • Centralise the referral pathway creating speedier and easier access to the right care at the right time.
  • Promote awareness of the Service and reach out to our target population.
  • Offer consultation for discussion with partner Health and Social Care Professionals.

The Direct Referral System is open to all Health and Social Care Professionals, however is not currently open for Self-Referrals.

You can make a referral by visiting the Every Mum Matters website under the ‘Get Help’ tab or click here, where you will find the referral form to download, complete and email to

To contact the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Team for consultation regarding a referral, please contact us on 01482 336837.