Abbreviations | Acronyms
Sometimes understanding the NHS can be difficult due to the terminology and acronyms they use. That’s why Healthwatch has collated a list of terms used by NHS providers.
Please find below a list of terms often used by NHS providers and their meaning.

AAU (Acute Assessment Unit)
A&E (Accident & Emergency)
ABCD (Asset Based Community Development)
ACS (Ambulatory Care Sensitive (conditions))
ACU (Ambulatory Care Unit)
AD (Assistant Director)
ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services)
ADPH (Association of Directors of Public Health)
AEDB (A&E Delivery Board)
AGM (Annual General Meeting)
AH (Acute Hospital)
AHP (Allied Health Professional)
AIC (Aligned Incentive Contract)
ALPS (Acute Liaison Psychiatric Service)
AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance)
AMU (Acute Medical Unit)
ANP (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)
APMS (Alternative Provider of Medical Services)
AQP (Any Qualified Provider)
AR (Active Recovery Beds)
ASC (Adult Social Care)
BAF (Board Assurance Framework)
BCF (Better Care Fund)
BMA (British Medical Association)
BME (Black and Ethnic Minority)
BP (Blood Pressure)
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group)
CD (Clinical Director)
CDI (Clostridium Difficile Infection)
CDiff (Clostridium Difficile)
C&E (Communications and Engagement)
CEP (Capped Expenditure Process)
CH (Care Hub)
CHC (Continuing Healthcare)
CHCP (City Healthcare Partnership)
CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)
CMB (Contract Management Board)
CMHS (Community and Mental Health Services)
CMO (Chief Medical Officer)
CNO (Chief Nursing Officer)
CoM (Council of Members)
CPA (Clinical Pathology Accreditation / Care Program Approach)
CP-IS (Child Protection – Information Sharing)
CQC (Care Quality Commission)
CQUIN (Commissioning for Quality and Innovation)
CSS (Commissioning Support Service)
CSU (Commissioning Support Unit)
CVD (Cardiovascular Disease)
CWT (Cancer Waiting Times)
CYP (Children & Young People)
DES (Directed Enhanced Service)
DHSC (Department of Health and Social Care)
DNA (Did Not Attend)
DoLS (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards)
DOS (Directory of Services)
DPH (Director of Public Health)
DTA (Decision to Admit)
DTOC (Delayed Transfer of Care)
EAU (Elderly Assessment Unit)
ECIP (Emergency Care Improvement Programme)
ECIST (Emergency Care Intensive Support Team)
ED (Emergency Department)
ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat)
ERCH (East Riding Community Hospital)
ERS (E-Referral Service)
ERY (East Riding of Yorkshire)
ERYCCG (NHS East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group)
ETTF (Estates and Technology Transformation Fund)
FCP (First Contact Practitioner)
FFCE (First Finished Consultant Episode)
FFT (Friends and Family Test)
FOI (Freedom of Information)
FRP (Financial Recovery Plan)
FT (Foundation Trust)
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
GMC (General Medical Council)
GMS (General Medical Services)
GP (General Practitioner)
GP OOH (General Practice Out-of-Hours Service)
GPFV (General Practice Forward View)
GPhC (General Pharmaceutical Council)
GPwSI (General Practitioner with Special Interest)
HAR (Health Active Recovery Beds)
HCAI (Healthcare Acquired Infection)
HEE (Health Education England)
HEREN (Hull and East Riding Equality Network)
HFT (Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust)
HIC (High Impact Changes)
HFT (Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust)
HPA (Health Protection Agency)
HSCIC (Health & Social Care Information Centre)
HUTH (Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust)
HSCIC (Health & Social Care Information Centre)
HW (Healthwatch)
HWE (Healthwatch England)
HWBB (Health and Wellbeing Board)
HWERY (Healthwatch East Riding of Yorkshire)
HYMS (Hull and York Medical School)
IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)
IBCF (Integrated Better Care Fund)
ICAS (Independent Complaints Advocacy Service)
ICP (Integrated Care Pathway)
ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
IFR (Individual Funding Requests
IP (In-patient)
IPC (Infection Prevention Control)
IST (Intensive Support Team)
IUC (Integrated Urgent Care)
JSNA (Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)
KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
LCF (Locality Commissioning Forum)
LD (Learning Disabilities)
LES (Local Enhanced Services)
LDC (Local Dental Committee)
LDR (Local Digital Roadmap)
LMC (Local Medical Committee)
LOC (Local Optometry Committee)
LPC (Local Pharmaceutical Committee)
LRTI (Lower Respiratory Tract Infection)
LSCB (Local Safeguarding Children Board)
LTC (Long term condition)
LTHFT (Leeds Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust)
MAS (Memory Assessment Service)
MBU (Mother and Baby Units)
MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment)
MCP (Multi-Speciality Community Providers)
MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team)
MECC (Making Every Contact Count)
MH (Mental Health)
MIU (Minor Injuries Unit)
MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
MMS (Multi Morbidity Service)
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
MSSA (Methicillin Sensitive Staphylococcus Aureus)
MVP (Maternity Voices Partnership)
NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation)
NHAIS (National Health Applications and Infrastructure Services)
NHS (National Health Service)
NHSE (NHS England)
NHSI (NHS Improvement)
NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence)
NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
NIHR (National Institute for Health Research)
NLaG | NLGH (Northern Lincolnshire & Goole NHS Foundation Trust)
NMC (The Nursing and Midwifery Council)
NQB (National Quality Board)
NRLS (National Reporting and Learning System)
NYH (North Yorkshire & Humber)
OD (Organisational Development)
ONS (Office for National Statistics)
OOA (Out of Area)
OOH (Out of Hours)
OSC (Overview and Scrutiny Committee)
OT (Occupational Therapist)
PA (Physician Associate)
PBR (Payment by Results)
PC (Palliative Care Beds)
PCCC (Primary Care Commissioning Committee)
PCDG (Primary Care Development Group)
PCJCC (Primary Care Joint Commissioning Committee)
PCMD (Primary Care Mortality Database)
PCN (Primary Care Network)
PCN CD (Primary Care Network Clinical Director)
PEC (Productive Elective Care)
PBH (Personal Health Budgets)
PHE (Public Health England)
PICU (Paediatric Intensive Care Unit)
PM (Practice Manager)
PMO (Project Management Office)
PMS (Personal Medical Services)
PPG (Patient Participation Group)
PROMS (Patient Reported Outcome Measures)
PS (Positive Steps Beds)
PTL (Protected Time for Learning)
PWB (Personal Wheelchair Budgets)
QARC (Quality Assurance Reference Centre)
QIPP (Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention)
QOF (Quality Outcomes Framework)
QPIC (Quality and Performance Improvement Committee)
QSG (Quality Surveillance Groups)
RCA (Root Cause Analysis)
RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners)
RCN (Royal College of Nursing)
RCP (Royal College of Physicians)
R&D (Research and Development)
RDAC (Rapid Diagnostic and Assessment Centres)
ReSPECT (Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment)
RMN (Registered Mental Nurse)
RSS (Referral Support Service)
RTT (Referral to Treatment)
QSG (Quality Surveillance Groups)
SCN (Strategic Clinical Network)
SDIP (Service Delivery Improvement Plan)
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)
SHMI (Standardised Hospital Mortality Indicator)
SI (Serious Incidents)
SLA (Service Level Agreement)
SLT (Senior Leadership Team)
SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
SRCC (Service Redesign and Commissioning Committee)
SRG (System Resilience Group)
SSNAP (Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme)
STP (Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships)
SVP (Supporting Vulnerable People)
SWAN South West Area Network)
TCPCS (Transforming Community & Primary Care Services)
TDA (Trust Development Authority)
TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations)
TDA (Trust Development Authority)
UCC (Urgent Care Centre)
UPC (Enhanced Unplanned Care Services and Outcomes)
UTC (Urgent Treatment Centre)
VCS (Voluntary and Community Sector)
VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector)
VFM (Value for Money)
WHO (World Health Organisation)
WSYB (West & South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw)
XSBD (Excess Bed Days)
YAS (Yorkshire Ambulance Service)
Y&H AHSN (Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network)
YTD (Year to Date)
YTHFT (York Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust)